Showing 17 Result(s)

Audio: Roy guest speaking on the Single Parents Podcast

(published date: 23 November 2021) I had a great time speaking with Julia Kotziamani on her podcast. From the episode description: When you find yourself a single parent, it can be a really exciting time to forge a new path for you and your family. Lots of us find ourselves questioning our long-held beliefs about …

Video: Roy returning to the Practicing Polyamory podcast (6 October 2021)

Solo-polaymory, non-hierarchical polyamory or just dating around… What’s the difference? I return to the Practicing Polyamory podcast, available on Youtube and as an audio download. I will talk about my own solo-polyamory relationship dynamic and how it is often gets confused with non-hierarchical polyamory as well as ‘dating around’, ‘playing the field’, or not wanting …

Audio: Interview with Roy on Radio WRUU Savannah

(original broadcast 21 Sep. 21) This radio station reached out to me to ask questions about polyamory and non-monogamy. The questions are intended to introduce the concept to people who may not know much about these topics, and accordingly, I try to give a broad definition as well as talking about my personal lived experience. …

Audio: Roy on the Authentic Man podcast (ep. 89)

Podcast release date 28 July 2021 I had a long chat with David Chambers of the Authentic Man podcast. Here is his intro to the episode: Polyamory is still a bit of a social taboo, but why? Have we been so entrenched in the idea that one person can only love one person at a …

Jealousy in Polyamory (video)

Video: Jealousy in Polyamory

On 1st April I spoke on Instagram Live together with Manu @polyamory_awareness about what happens when we experience jealousy in polyamorous and open relationships. This is about a 1 hour talk where we discuss what triggers jealousy and how to handle these emotions. We take many, many questions from the viewers! You can also listen …

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