Glossary of terms for expansive relationships

This is an ever evolving glossary of terms that are used in expansive relationships. This includes conscious monogamy, multigamy (non-monogamy), singledom and other dynamics. Click on a term to expand and read about it. If you are looking for a term that you cannot find here, please submit it via the contact form. A B …

Mix Nashville Podcast (10 December 2024)

(publish date: 10 December 2024) “This month, we’re speaking to Roy Graff of Open Relating. Roy is both a peer support coach and a licensed therapist in the UK, where he resides and practices. In addition to providing clinical therapy services, Roy creates content on Instagram and Threads discussing the challenges non-monogamists face, and providing practical solutions and tips for …

We grow from 'failing' in relationships

We grow from ‘failing’ in relationships

A friend said to me something that sparked a thought. She said that she’s exploring polyamory now because she kept ‘failing’ at monogamy. I think that our collective social understanding of relationships failing, is that they are short lasting, end in acrimony or when only one party to the relationship wants to stay in it. …

Are you monogamous? or...

Are you monogamous? Or….

Are you just stuck with the inherited mindset that monogamy is the default choice? Or are you just afraid you will die alone because you haven’t invested in creating a supportive community for yourself? Or are you just scared of opening up your heart to more intimacy and being vulnerable with other people than just …

Are you polyamorous? or...

Are you polyamorous? Or….

Do you suffer from low self esteem and can’t believe anyone will want to date you monogamously, since surely they will want to get some of their needs met elsewhere? Or are you just desperate for validation and ego stroking from multiple people? Or are you just afraid to commit fully and think that by …

Video: on the @nonconventional podcast – 20 June

This is a 27 minute long podcast interview with Ela from @nonconventional. Navigating the complexities of polyamorous relationships, Roy Graff shares his journey from monogamy to polyamory, shedding light on the emotional dynamics and the importance of communication. With a candid discussion on managing multiple partners and the misconceptions around polyamory, this video explores how …

Polyamory can never work because…

What follows are statements I’ve personally heard from people who have had something they really wanted to say about polyamory, even if they had never tried it or had wanted to. These criticisms mainly serve to show up a personal bias, ignorance or perhaps unresolved trauma. – “it’s just lack of commitment” Do all monogamous …

Healing from trauma – an analogy

Sometimes, a suitable analogy helps imagine something better than any direct explanation. If you can imagine it, it is also possible to get there. Picture yourself on a ship floating in the ocean. It is dark and you don’t know where you are. It’s the middle of the night. Suddenly a large powerful wave hits …