As a relationship coach and counsellor, I offer support and guidance to individuals and partnered people both online and in-person. I use a variety of methodologies I was trained with, along with my extensive lived experience as a multilingual and multicultural global citizen.

After a long career in marketing and business development in the tourism and retail sectors, working in large companies and as an entrepreneur, I have changed directions in 2021. The COVID-19 crisis prompted me to retrain for a new career in mental health and wellness.
This is what those who know me, say about me:
- Attentive and empathetic space holder
- Pragmatic, direct and analytical
- Focused on growth, empowerment and independence
- Accepting and affirming of gender, sex and relationship diversity
- Oriented towards system dynamics in relationships
- Has a good balance of gentleness and firmness
- Possesses the ability to apply skills across multiple disciplines
- Has a passion for mentoring and coaching
I offer coaching and counselling following the Psychosynthesis modality, and am accredited by NCPS. My support to you is based on lived experience, a great deal of self-experimentation, exploration, a range of educational courses and 7+ years of running workshops and facilitating groups. I have training in Radical Honesty, Non-violent Communication and Wheel of Consent.
All my recorded workshops and webinars are available. Many for free and some for a small fee.
I have lived adventurously and curiously and had a varied career in business development and marketing for over 20 years, living on different continents and collecting many life experiences. Over this time, I’ve lived in Europe, the Middle East, North America and Asia.
My first 20 years adulting were unconsciously monogamous by default. I was in several long term relationships including being married and becoming a father. Briefly (and ignorantly) I’ve experimented with an open marriage and long distance non-monogamy, which unsurprisingly, considering my lack of experience and knowledge, didn’t work out.
A personal and financial crisis in 2010, forced me to completely re-evaluate my life and values, attend therapy and dig deep inside for self-awareness and self-love.
Since a chance introduction to non-monogamy in 2014, I have identified as polyamorous, experiencing a wide variety of relationship dynamics in the spectra of multigamy. Assimilating knowledge from diverse sources and making many of my own mistakes, I’ve learnt a great deal over the past 10 years which I share with my clients in our sessions.
Since then, I’ve been giving talks, facilitating discussions and holding workshops about non-monogamy, sex positivity, consent and kink to audiences of up to 300 people. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, these experiences also led me to train in psychotherapy. I can help with relationship issues, honesty and authenticity in relating, life transformation and major life crises.
Polyamory is my orientation, not a choice
In monogamy, I felt restricted (not through the fault of my partners, we didn’t even know of the option). I now know that when I feel free, I am the best version of myself and my partners also benefit from that.
The increasing complexity of human life means that expanding the options for human connection and intimacy can be seen as part of social evolution. In Western culture, at least, people have created a society that values individualism, and pushes us to seek happiness as an ideal.
What multigamy brings is a path to more intimate social connections that combines our individual needs with stronger social ties to community. Having the choice to explore deeper connections with more people can be seen as an evolutionary force.
This is not a suggestion that there is anything wrong with choosing monogamy. I support all and any consensual relationship dynamics and structures that bring enrichment and purpose to the individuals involved. The basic toolkit we all need for healthy, intimate, autonomous and boundaried relationships remains the same.
If you are based in London, I run a London-based non-monogamous men’s support group and moderate several Facebook groups related to sex positivity and polyamory.
Empower yourself with open, conscious communication and autonomous, connected relationships. Book an free with me today to embark on your journey of growth and transformation.
Read my latest blog articles
- Mix Nashville Podcast (10 December 2024)(publish date: 10 December 2024) “This month, we’re speaking to Roy Graff of Open Relating. Roy is both a peer support coach and a licensed therapist in the UK, where he resides and practices. In addition to providing clinical therapy services, Roy creates content on Instagram and Threads discussing the challenges non-monogamists face, and providing practical solutions and tips for …
- We grow from ‘failing’ in relationshipsA friend said to me something that sparked a thought. She said that she’s exploring polyamory now because she kept ‘failing’ at monogamy. I think that our collective social understanding of relationships failing, is that they are short lasting, end in acrimony or when only one party to the relationship wants to stay in it. …
- Are you monogamous? Or….Are you just stuck with the inherited mindset that monogamy is the default choice? Or are you just afraid you will die alone because you haven’t invested in creating a supportive community for yourself? Or are you just scared of opening up your heart to more intimacy and being vulnerable with other people than just …
- Are you polyamorous? Or….Do you suffer from low self esteem and can’t believe anyone will want to date you monogamously, since surely they will want to get some of their needs met elsewhere? Or are you just desperate for validation and ego stroking from multiple people? Or are you just afraid to commit fully and think that by …
- Good questions to ask before going on a date, or on the first date, when you are multigamousIt’s a reality of dating life when practicing various forms of multigamy (non-monogamy) that not everyone can be assumed to practice with the same values, do so ethically or consensually, or have the same ethical framework as me. Sometimes we may both say we are polyamorous, but come at it from very different perspectives, life …
This song really resonates with me, I invite you to listen to the lyrics and enjoy.